Good Morning everyone.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful morning and is full of life and energy.
Yesterday my husband and had our first meeting with the great Sarah Hilton our Dream Coach from for the next four months. We met the other great people who are joining us and wow some amazing inspiring people that are going to help us grow as well.
We are very excited about starting this journey together and really making some big changes. We have made a lot of them over the years and worked with Robin Sharma and been to many workshops with other great speakers like T.Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, Loretta La roach, Bob Proctor, just to name a few. Our favorite has been Robin Sharam who really opened our eyes to what life is really like and about and how to be a great leader and friend.
We found through out the years we would make some changes but would get stuck, kind of like weight loss. You lose some then you Platue and it takes some pushing to get past it. With our dreams and goals we have had a hard time on some pushing forward.
This is why I am very excited to be working one-on-one with Sarah to move forward and accomplish those goals we have set for each of us on our own and as a couple.
My Dream goals for the next four months are
1. Most Important is Weight Loss: To lose 40 pounds and get my Body Fat % down
2. Speaking Learning how to give a great speech. (Joining Sarah's Toast Masters group)
3. Group Coaching (Learning how Improve on my skills and helping others do the same)
We will be Blogging and Vlogging our progress together and some on our own, Check back often and follow along on our great journey. Check out our first video Check out my husbands Blog as well
Have an amazing day.
Love always
Julie Elliott
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